No wifi after installing Kali?

No wifi after installing Kali?

Well... I hate Debian and anything similar to it, but Kali is something else :) . Also it's not the distro I use for penetration testing, but I think it is one of the best distoros in this arena which you can use for penetration testing since the sturcture and category of it's tolls and menus follow the standards of owasp sheets which is good! very good to be honest!

anyway, as Kali documentation suggests , it is not for those who are new with linux at all. Nothing comes out of the box like ParrotSec or BackBox and you got to set everything by yourself. The default installation will show up with a blank black terminal which panics folks and you must start xorg server by yourself.. but after all, there comes a new challenge : No WIFI!!!

few days ago a friend of mine asked me to fix her Kali which didn't have any wifi menu, i fixed it by few simple steps so I thought it would be useful to share the solution with you as well.

to make it short, despite of what skidos suggest in forums, you should not install any driver for your wifi card since everything you need is already there, just wake wlan up and let it begin the work as follow :

A) Wake the WIFI card up :)

ifconfig wlan0 up

B) Make it find the wifi you want to connect to

iwlist wlan0 scan | grep essid

Which essid is the essid of wifi you want to connect to :)

C) Set up iwconfig

iwconfig wlan0 ESSID "name of the lovely wifi"

and then check the output to see if it understood what you asked or not!!


D) create the conf file

Now using wpa, you will create the conf file for both further steps and next times which you want to connect to this network :

wpa_passphrase wifi_name password > myconf.conf

which wifi_name is the Access Point which you want to connect to and password is the password of it :)

E) The final sept

run the following command to connect to Access Point, if everything goes well it should say Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant :

wpa_supplicant -B -i wlan0 -c myconf.conf

and then make it assign you a ip :

dhclient -v wlan0


now ping somewhere and check if it works well :)

